The Sounds of 0-Coast, A120, Desmodus Versio

A brief drive-thru basic sounds of Makenoise 0-Coast, Doepfer A120 and Noise Engineering Desmodus Versio.

Marbles Collection

Nature Lovers Series Ep. 1
Marbles Collection

Directed and filmed by Guilherme Martins
Soundtrack: Walking June in the Rain, Jon Gegelman
Recorded on a Sony a6400, Sony 90mm Macro

O Estado do Mundo (quando acordas)

O Estado do Mundo (Quando Acordas) is a play that brings awareness about climate change, consumerism, pollution, toxic waste, and so much more. All this subjects are approached in such a clever way due to the rich presentation by Edi and text by Inês and Miguel. All this comes to place with the genious scenography by Eric da Costa.
Eric asked me to help him to develop a custom cage for the video camera. This device had to hold a camera, an hdmi transmissor and powerbanks. I started to prototype this concept following Eric’s vision, and for this I used PVC foam, it allows to quickly prototype and test different approaches just with an x-acto knife.

After all the testing and several design iterations, the final object was laser cut using Beech wood (Faia).

After accomplish this task, I also soldered LED strips and XLR plugs to lit some specific scenes on the set.

I also had to paint sea foam on the plastic island, i love the way it looks. 

Encenação Miguel Fragata
Texto Inês Barahona e Miguel Fragata
Interpretação Edi Gaspar
Cenografia Eric da Costa
Figurinos José António Tenente
Música original Fernando Mota
Desenho de Luz José Álvaro Correia
Vídeo João Gambino
Adereços Eric da Costa, José Pedro Sousa, Mariana Fonseca e Rita Vieira (design gráfico)
Maker Guilherme Martins
Construção de cenografia Gate7
Direção técnica Renato Marinho
Consultoria Henrique Frazão
Produção executiva Ana Lobato e Luna Rebelo
Produção Formiga Atómica
Co-produção LU.CA – Teatro Luís de Camões, Comédias do Minho, Materiais Diversos e Théâtre de la Ville
Agradecimentos Ana Pereira, Andreia Luís, Beatriz Castanheira, Carlos Félix/Decolab, Carlos Miguel/IMPERSOL, Dalila Romão, David Palma, Dina Mendonça, Elisabete Pinto, Joana Ascensão, João Ribeiro, Lara Soares, Maria Mestre, Mónica Talina, Paulo Teixeira/Fablab EDP, Raquel Castro, Rita Conduto, Susana Gaspar
A Formiga Atómica é uma estrutura apoiada pelo Ministério da Cultura / Direcção-Geral das Artes.

Modular Physical Computing

I personally enjoy pressing buttons, turning knobs,  see and touch physical devices, and if they make any bleep or bloops it’s even better.

Building physical control systems is not always easy, speccially if we need them to be sturdy enough to throw on a backpack, or take them to an installation or stage performance. This project started in ArticaCC, during a research project named “Interact”. This enabled us to research ways to build interactive systems related to software and hardware. These modular systems are easy to solder and easy to interface with, and because they are totally generic they can be used with Arduino, Teensy, RaspberyPI or any other microcontroller of your choice.

All these modules have an open source hardware philosophy and have a dedicated repository on Github. Feel free to use them as you wish.

The Sounds of 0-Coast, Krell Patch

Recreating this patch is a challenge many modular musicians like to tackle. It is based on the 1959 movie Forbidden Planet, in a segment where they supposedly play the music of the ancient Krell race. In general terms, each note has a random pitch, envelope, and duration. Buchla expert Todd Barton is often pointed to as the reference on how to create this patch; he has a video on Vimeo.
Text source from LearningModular.

Dynamic Pepper's Ghost Effect

Here’s another experiment using holographic illusions aka Pepper’s Ghost, this time with a physical interaction between the virtual and the real worlds. Check the walkthrough in case you want to know more about this experiment.