Centenary of Versailles

Partnership with Marvilab, a highly talented and creative boutique in Marvila (Lisbon).

This project consisted in a set composed by kinetic sculptures, moving furniture and dynamic lights.
This moving set had to be activated on a timed based interval. 

This video shows some making off and the final result of this great project.

My work consisted in developing a set of microcontrollers to drive the motors and lights.
Then there was a Maestro microcontroller that switched on and off all the others microcontrollers. The Maestro had the capability of programming the time based interval, and also how long the activation persisted.

The following video shows my process of developing a set of homemade PCB’s and the Maestro controller.
All microcontrollers are ESP32, and the Maestro is an M5Stack Core 2.

© 2024, Guilherme Martins